Porlock Weather Station, Somerset, UK

 Latitude N 51° 12' 32"    Longitude W 03° 35' 35"    Elevation 41 m

Dawn: 06:55 Sunrise: 07:29 Moonrise: 15:01 Moon
Dusk: 19:07 Sunset:  18:33 Moonset: 21:33
Daylight: 12:11 Day length: 11:04 Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent

Welcome to Porlock Weather Station. Presented here are the current weather conditions at this popular Exmoor village in Somerset, UK. Situated within 1/2 a mile of the coast it nestles in a natural sheltered bowl-like position. There is shelter from the prevailing south-west winds with the added effect of the warm Bristol Channel waters. Really hard frosts are quite a rarity in winter due to the warming effect of the sea. Equally the cooling effect of onshore breezes in summer means more comfortable conditions when it can be oppressively humid elsewhere.

The weather station in use is the Davis Vantage Pro 2 Plus, with solar radiation and UV sensors. These pages are updated every 10 minutes, and realtime data every 5 seconds. The meteorological day used at this station ends at midnight. The data collected is shared with the UK Meteorological Office, US NOAA, Universities and others around the world to assist with their weather modelling and forecasting.

Forecast for the next 6 to 12 hours: Rain at frequent intervals

Observed Conditions at local time 07:50 on 09 October 2024
Temperature and Humidity
Temperature 12.7 °C Dew Point 11.2 °C
Windchill 12.7 °C Humidity 91%
Heat Index 12.7 °C Apparent Temperature 13.1 °C
Solar Radiation 7 W/m² Evapotranspiration Today 0.13 mm
Bright Sunshine Current UV Index 0.0
THW Index 0.0 Temp change last hour +0.7 °C
Rainfall Today 0.2 mm Rainfall Rate 0.0 mm/hr
Rainfall This Month 21.0 mm Rainfall This Year 646.2 mm
Rainfall Last Hour 0.0 mm Last rainfall 2024-10-09 06:00
Rainfall Since Midnight 0.2 mm Rainfall Last 24 Hours 5.6 mm
Wind Speed (gust) 0.0 mph Wind Speed (avg) 0.0 mph
Wind Bearing 0° - Beaufort F0 Calm
Wind Variation (last 10 minutes) From 0° To 0°    
Barometer  987.0 hPa Falling slowly -0.1 hPa/hr
:now::gauges::today::yesterday::this month::this year::records::monthly records::trends::selectachart::historic::forum:

UK Rainfall Radar - Now, and next 2 hours prediction

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Page updated 09/10/2024 07:50:00
Porlock Weather Station powered by Cumulus v3.9.7 (3107)

Email: info@porlockweather.co.uk